Saturday, 17 November 2012

State Level Banker’s Committee recently held their 149th Meeting

                           The meeting of state level banker’s committee held in Bhopal on 17th November, 2012. That was the 149th meeting of State Level Banker’s Committee. The meeting was arranged by convenor bank, Central Bank of India which was co-chaired by R Parasuram, chief secretary to Government of Madhya Pradesh and MV Tanksale chairman & managing director, Central Bank of India. The deputy governor of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) KC Chakrabarty was especially grace the event by presenting in the meeting.

                          The meeting was about the carrying out of banks for the time being of the first quarter of the current financial year. Umesh Kumar Singh, field general manager, SLBC, Central Bank of India and convenor, escorted the meeting and accosted participants.

                           The state government praised by Tanksale for the great achievement of global investor’s summit held at Indore from 28-30 October, 2012. He also appreciates the fabulous proponent and guidance acquired by banks from the state government also disclosed that bankers are strongly affording to the cultivation of the state.

                            Financial inclusion under the much appreciated '5 km radius model' of the state government is also encouraging by the banks. Tanksale also asserted one of the initiatives taken by SLBC in the State such as half-yearly conference of all 50 lead district managers, representing different banks in the state and increased outreach activities.


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