Wednesday, 4 July 2012

A MoU on Medical Co-operations signed between India and Kuwait Government


             A MoU on medical cooperation was signed by the Union Health Secretary P.K.  Pradhan. He signed the MoU on behalf of Government of India with the State of Kuwait. Dr. Ibrahim Alabdelhadi did the honor of signing the MoU on behalf of the Ministry of Health, Government of Kuwait.

            From quite a few teams many Indian doctors and nurses are happily employed in various Kuwaiti hospitals. Considering the long standing and friendly mutual cooperation and common interest to strengthen cooperation between the two countries and desiring to lay down institutional framework for developing the most important medical cooperation between the two countries, the MoU signed inter alia provides for : degree and other valuable qualifications issued by reputed Institutions in respect of medicine including the traditional medicine, nursing, medical technicians and paramedical recognized by the Government bodies will be treated at par by the Ministry of Health of Kuwait for appropriate job placements and benefits too, appropriate training to Kuwait doctors in centers of excellence in the field of traditional and modern medicine and allied health specialties in India, provisions for treatment of Kuwaiti patients in the approved specialized Indian hospitals and to encourage medical tourism, and set up a Joint Working Group (JWG) to further elaborate the details of cooperation and to oversee the implementation of this MoU. The JWG will meet not more than once a year or as agreed upon.

            This is a necessary step for sure as now days the overall condition of Indian Health Sector is not so good. This cooperation will help to boost up the improvement rate for sure. This type of cooperation helps both the countries a lot, but what matters most is the implementation of this properly into the real field of work.


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