Friday, 27 April 2012

Completely Objective-type questions in NET from this year


          The National Eligibility Test, conducted by University Grants Commission (UGC), will be completely objective-type from this year only.

          The first objective-type NET exam will be held on June 24 and will comprise three papers. According to the new exam pattern, there will be no negative marking. Moreover, the candidates will be allowed to carry the carbon print out of the OMR Response Sheets with them on conclusion of the examination.

          The National Educational Testing Bureau of UGC conducts NET to determine eligibility for lectureship and forward of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for Indian nationals in order to ensure minimum standards for the entrants in the teaching profession and research.

          So far the pattern of the exam has been subjective, where aspirants have to write detailed answers in order to crack NET. “The Commission decided to change the pattern to objective-type. All the three papers will be objective and will be held on the very same day in two separate sessions. The syllabus though, for all the three papers remains the same as that of the previous years,” said Surinder Singh, deputy secretary (NET), UGC.

         Meanwhile, the changing of paper III to subjective type has confused a lot of aspirants as how to prepare for the exam. According to a history student from JNU, “It’s a confusing scenario right now. The first paper is on general aptitude, whiles the second and third is specific. Till December 2011, paper III has been a subject one. Now, we are appearing for the two objective type papers on the subject and the UGC claims the syllabus and the structure remain the same?”

          The test is conducted in Humanities (including languages), social sciences, forensic science, environmental sciences, computer science and applications and electronic science. According to the new scheme, paper I will comprise 60 questions of two marks each and candidates have to attempt 50 questions. All the 50 and 75 questions of paper II and III are compulsory for the aspirants.


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