Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Australian Tycoon Reveals Plan for New Titanic Replica

                                 Clive Palmer, a business tycoon of Australia, recently reveals his plan of building a new Titanic replica, with an addition of a lot of extra lifeboats. In 1912, the world famous Titanic, which was claimed to be unsinkable, hit a giant iceberg and went down in the depth of North Atlantic Ocean.

                                       Now the tycoon Palmer has decided to complete the unfinished journey of Titanic to the New York, United States of America. He said that after long wait of more than a century, the time has ultimately come to finish the unfinished business.

                                      At the official launch of the project in New York Mr. Palmer said, “"The Titanic was the ship of dreams. Titanic II is the ship where dreams will come true."

                                       The new titanic replica will feature the same rigid divisions just like it was in 1912 between the passengers of first, second and third class. Eventually just like the original the passengers will eat either at a long common table or in an ornate dining room in the new one. There will be no mingling at all between the classes, Palmer added.

                                      The passengers, who will opt for the luxury sections, will be able to enjoy the special benefits of grand staircase and reproductions, which has been originated from the idea of original Titanic’s Turkish bath and swimming pool.

                                      Palmer didn’t forget to put some more lights on the project. He added that there is possibility that a contract might be signed with China’s CSC Jingling Shipyard in a next few days. It is reported that the ship will be build at this shipyard of China only. The Australian business tycoon added that by the end of 2013, the construction will be started and it will make its grand launch in the year of 2016.

                                     He wouldn’t reveal what the total cost of the project will be. On a lighter note he mocked, “I’m funding this myself because I want to spend the money I’ve got before I die,”

                                      Mr. Clive Palmer remains a larger than life character with a flamboyant nature throughout his life. He made his luck in the business of mining. A lot of global economic news revolves around him, as he controlled the economy factor quite well, and has a habit of staying in the news too. He said that he wasn’t superstitious at all, so he basically had no problem to give the unluckiest ship of the past century a second chance. He added that he was basically unfazed by the seeming temptation of fate or act of God.

                                      Eventually the new replica of Titanic, which is named as Titanic II, will vastly resemble the original one, but it will contain the key modifications, which includes a slight wider hull and a extra layer of decking.

                                         All the valid passengers will be provided with period costumes with respect to their class of tickets. Palmer said that he will be in the ship too, and he will settle himself in the third class (joking of course), in the urge of having real fun.

                                         He underlined a key modification to the new replica, which is the huge improvement in the matter of number of lifeboats. It has to be mentioned here that in the original Titanic, more than 1,500 people lost their lives, because of the shortage of the lifeboats. Keeping that in the mind all the cautionary methods will be taken accordingly, the entrepreneur added.

                                        The life boats will be very safe, and it will provide to all of the passengers irrespective of classes, if needed. Mr. Palmer is smart enough, as he wouldn't fall into the trap of echoing the claim of “Unsinkable”. Though he said, "You could go round the world in them if you wanted."

                                         "It would be very cavalier to say anything like that. I think people have said that in the past," Palmer concluded.


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